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Hey, visitor.

Here, I collect some raw thoughts of mine.

This project is somewhat similar to the imagination project of mine, but is less conceptual. There are just some thoughts of mine on different topics. Some rants, some ideas, anything that goes through my head.

It’s how I used to treat Twitter, before it became shit.

But even without it being shit, it was not the right place to publish my random thoughts.

Nowadays, I could use other Twitter-like website, Bluesky, Mastodon, Threads, you name it. The thing is, I just think it’s not the right place for such a content. It’s highly valuable for me (so, why have it live on someone else’s server, right?), and it’s of a low value for others (so, why spam others who want to follow me with this random rubbish?).

Hence, this website.

I made it public mostly for some of the people I know personally, they might enjoy reading what I think. It’s not like I want you to read my thoughts on every topic. It’s that I allow you to read what goes through my head. I self-censor myself sometimes, and just not post things. Sometimes, I’m not.


Please note, that I may heavily use sarcasm and never indicate that. That’s why I mentioned that you have to know me personally. And you have to know me well, that’s not many people, actually.

I may change my mind the moment I publish some thought.

Please also note, that I may change my mind on any topic. Sometimes that can happen right after I published something. Hence, the word ‘raw’. I may not review all the previous published thoughts of mine and change them accordingly. And I’m just sure I will mostly never do that. That’s very natural for someone who evolves through this life, to change one’s mind. So, I expect you to not harass me for some ‘Trump is an idiot’ or ‘Russia is a shit-hole’ statements. (However, I’m not likely to change my mind about these two.)

I may remove some thoughts, for no particular reason. For me the reason could be ‘I don’t like it being here no more.’

Don’t expect me to keep the design or the structure consistent. Any links can break in the future. That’s an experiment project of mine, and I plan it to be in ‘beta’ for possibly ever. I am considering of making it a Stories-like (or Snapchat-like), meaning, some the content to be present for a limited time only.

If I consider some thoughts worthy, I’d elaborate on them in my blog or in the aforementioned imagination project.

So most people won’t miss anything never exploring this blog.

It’s mostly for myself, we all need our way of crying out into the desert.