The Omnipresent Line

Once you see this omnipresent line on the bottom of your iPhone, it’s hard to forget it’s omnipresent.

Well, it is not present everywhere, actually.

The issue is, it’s visible. It’s on the screen. It’s always on the screen. It’s not visible where I don’t care, but it’s visible where I want to focus on whatever it is I’m doing.

The top notch, it is not, not visible. I have the biggest notch there is (because I have the smallest iPhone, 12 mini), and I don’t see it. I don’t care it’s omnipresent. It’s a hardware thing, there is no way to remove it.

The navigation line? I want it to be gone. I don’t need it. On Android, I can remove it.

I won’t be lost, I know how to navigate my phone.

Here, it is present. And it looks like, it will always be. It gives me these plebs vibes.