So Much of Different Media to Watch

There are so many different things to watch that it’s just so-so-so terrifying! It’s literally infinite number of things you can watch, and the list is just constantly growing.

Me, I’m not a fan of watching things. Even the opposite, I can live without watching a thing for literally years. It’s difficult to not read (books) for me.

But the books, they are different to me. I’m scared by the thought I’ll never be able to read all the books I’d like to read. Abundance of them never scared me though, only the short time of my life.

With movies, TV series, video games, Instagram posts, Tik Tok videos (never had one)— with them, I’m scared of the number of this content. I was never afraid there’s no time to watch it all. I never really wanted to watch it all. I’d prefer to not watch any of that.

What makes me sad here is that I have no idea what to do about it. Cinematograph is a huge part of the global culture, and I’m willingly missing it. I may watch a thing once in a while, but if it’s more than that, I’m getting too nervous for wasting my precious time. Most times, I cannot concentrate and immerse into it, so I could enjoy it. And the issue not with the concentration per-se, I can concentrate on many other activities well enough.

Speaking of precious, by the way. Not an issue with audiobooks. I can re-listen my favourites again and again, and it doesn’t feel like time-wasting at all.