Trum Pum Pum Pum, Tara-Ra-Ra

A week ago, I wanted to publish one thought, but was just too busy, and my ‘publishing from my iPhone system’ wasn’t ready. It sounded like this:

It’s weird to realise that my fate, my physical existence is dependent upon some uneducated American accountant somewhere far-far away from me.

I think the accent should be not on an American whoever, but on a local guy. A local stupid idiot, who willingly gave up whatever protection his nation had. Just to be liked by an American president, who had no understanding of our history.

Well, or, who didn’t care. Why would he be in the first place? Why would American president place our, Ukrainian, safety as his first priority?

That’s just a shame, that Ukraine had generation of pro-Russian presidents, and other politicians. I knew very little history of both Ukraine and Belarus, but as far as I’m learning the subject, I’m terrified how bad it’s studied in here. I believe now, history must be studied as the 1st subject here, and Ukraine must not allow people to gain citizenship without the knowledge of the subject.

Keeping nuclear weapons was too expensive. Yeah, as if losing 20% of your territory (and people on that territory) is cheaper.

Back to the U.S. election.

Back in 2016, I was sure they’ll never elect Trump as their president. In 2020, I was pretty sure he won’t be a president ever again. And should be impeached. Especially after the January coup attempt. So this year, I had not a slightest doubt he’d be elected. I was surprised he’d be balloting, what chances did he had anyway?

Yes, he’s fighting for his own skin. Otherwise, he’s facing a full-trial, and years in prison. But who the fuck would ever vote for this joke?

Turned out, I understand nothing of politics, especially the U.S. politics, and especially on how well the minds of uneducated people without critical thinking are manipulated these days.

And seems like the news are not a joke, and Trump truly won the election this year.

Trump is the challenge for the U.S. I’m pretty sure they’ll handle it well, and their state won’t be weakened too much by the next devastating years of his presidency. I expect the US to be the too big to be drowned. But that is a very bad news for global fight of democracy vs tyranny.

I hope my current country will survive as a state too. As much as me and my family, we will survive.

I am greatly surprised that having the choice of a highly educated woman vs a convinced felon, paedophile and constant lier, whose abilities for clear thinking are clearly do not compatible with his role—

I am greatly surprised they had that choice, Americans. There’s nothing to choose from. Turned out their society is that much polarised, and they have so many uneducated people in there.

Very sad that my current state is so dependent on the US for their protection guarantees, that turned out to be just slightly better than the ones from ruzzians.

‘We will just not let you die too quickly, after we gave you 72 hours, and you didn’t die.’

God bless America.

Now I’m not that surprised Belarusians elected this piece of shit in 1994 and Ukrainians elected Zelensky (a comedian, not a professional politician) amidst the war.